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What is gluten free?
According to the people at Coeliac UK, about 1 and 100 people suffer from Coeliac disease and therefore cannot process gluten.
But what exactly is gluten? Well, without getting too scientific, it’s the general name for the proteins found in wheat, barley and rye. But how on earth do you bake without wheat flour I hear you ask? It’s the most common baking ingredient!
Well, thankfully some brainiacs have invented gluten free flour, plus our brilliant Lola’s teams have come up with the perfect recipes ensuring that while our cakes are free from gluten, they’re not free from flavour!
But just how free from gluten are your gluten free cakes?
We produce our gluten free cakes is a separate part of our bakery, using some of the finest gluten free ingredients around to make sure you’re getting delicious brownie flavour in every bite!
Plus, the lovely people at the gluten free society popped round and have officially accredited our bakery! This means you can be sure that all of our gluten free cakes are up to standard, and that’s been tested by the experts.
What about other allergens?
All our cakes and brownies are prepared in a kitchen where other cross contamination risks may occur.
Full allergen information is available upon request. If you have a question, food allergy or intolerance please let us know before placing your order.
Make that party extra special with out cards, candles and party supplies.
We have created this guide to make ordering the perfect cake even easier. Whether you are holding a birthday bash, or simply fancy some tea and cake, use this to find the best cake for you.
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